Thursday, September 30, 2010

Worth a Thousand Words


  1. I am not sure what is happening in this image. It looks like a person sick in bed- but they dont look sick and the light colored shirt could easily be pajamas and not a hospital gown. The light is nice and so is the angle (it is leading and makes me think of something mysterious).

  2. I guess I see it as maybe the weekend- she doesn't have to go to work and slept in, but is getting a little work done on the laptop while catching up on some t.v. There is also the feeling of maybe being home sick- keeping the blanket on, not looking to happy. I like the light quality and the angle- it's as if we are peeking into her life without her knowing. I may have liked it a little cropped or had the woman bigger because I find I keep having to get close and zoom in to see what's going on and check out the details. But, I guess that keeps me engaged.

  3. It looks like she was typing on her laptop and got distracted by something in front of her. The door and the chair are more focused suggesting that someone had just left, maybe unexpectedly. The light quality gives a certain softness to the girl

  4. Looks to me like she was working on something on her laptop and got distracted by the news or something on tv. I don't know if it is or not (a tv isn't present), but that's what I'd imagine I look like when that happens to me. I wouldn't imagine that room being large enough to have something really going on so a tv seems like a good distraction. At first, I thought it was someone sick in bed, but sitting up with a laptop and how alert she looks made me second guess that idea.

  5. This looks to me like someone who is sick but still trying to get something productive done. I'm lead to believe that she is sick or maybe recovering from being sick because of the loose fighting shirt, the blanket she is under, the glass/trash on the nightstand that could be from being brought food to her bed, and the fact that she is in bed. It seems to be a typical scene for all of us in the modern world, even when we are sick, we always feel we have to be doing something.

  6. This image seems to be more conceptual than documentary. I see a computer chair that is empty, yet the woman is using the computer. There is possibly someone else in the room she is looking at, but there is no direct evidence of this. There is a ghostliness about the woman. She is dressed in white, and has this deadpan expression. She isn't put together and looks as if she has been sitting there for a while. I am not sure of the intent of the image.

  7. I see a woman who is sick. The way she is dressed and the blankets give that away for me. When I look at this image I think she is sick but cannot afford to lose any precious time. So she has her laptop in bed with her and in between naps she frantically works on returning emails.

  8. I have to agree that this woman looks sick. It's midday, afternoon maybe, and she's still under the covers, wasting time on her computer. Maybe she has already slept too much today and is forced to be awake. I find the lighting on the chair to be the most interesting part of the photo, but I also think that it is distracting, and makes the meaning of the photo harder to notice.

  9. This images gives me the feeling of waiting. The woman appears to be waiting for somebody (implied by the empty chair and open door), and is shooting the shit on her laptop until that person arrives. The voyeuristic aspect of the image, in that the photographer is peeping through the doorway, gives the impression that this woman is awaiting an intimate moment with a significant other.
